The Centre

The Centre

The Centre for Chinese Legal Studies is a groundbreaking initiative for research in, and the promotion and teaching of, Chinese legal studies in Pakistan. Founded in October 2019, at the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law, the Centre is the first of its kind to be established across Pakistan.

The Centre envisions itself as the premier hub for Chinese legal studies in Pakistan and aims to:

  • contribute to the capacity-building of Pakistan’s academics, legal and business professionals, students, and other relevant stakeholders vis-à-vis the Chinese legal system and framework (and its relevance to academia, trade, commerce, exchange, investment, and cooperation between Pakistan and China) through research, publications, executive training programs, conferences, workshops, and symposia;
  • encourage cross-border collaboration between legal professionals and members of the academia for research;
  • facilitate exchange programs for students and faculty with leading universities, centres, and think tanks abroad; and
  • liaise with leading universities, centres, and think tanks domestically and globally to build a strong network for research, policy, and expertise.
CCLS Center

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